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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tallahassee Numismatic Club at FUN Summer - 2013, Orlando

Tallahassee Numismatic Club attended FUN Member club "Get Together & Discussion" meet on July 12th 2013. We really enjoyed meeting other club members and got to know about their activities. Thanks to FUN President Tony Swicer for the invitation.We enjoyed their food & raffle.

Tallahasse Coin Club Tallahasse Coin Club
Tallahasse Coin Club Tallahasse Coin Club

At the show we met several dealers who were keen to know about our next show. Several of them suggested that we should continue our One Day Show like last year.   Based on their suggestions here is the possible date for our One Day Show this year, which is on August 24th, 2013.  Please attend our Coin Show and encourage coin collecting.
See you all !